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The Opposite of an Angel is . . . a VC

Angel investors are different than the typical VC investor. While an Angel may have a personal interest in the company, the founders, or the product that drives the investment, VCs invest almost solely based on the ROI...

Boom Goes the Startup

Is your startup sitting on a legal landmine? Entrepreneurs have their hands full trying to get their companies off the ground. With endless demands and “to dos” and limited time, legal matters often get...

Layout B (2 columns)

The Opposite of an Angel is . . . a VC

Angel investors are different than the typical VC investor. While an Angel may have a personal interest in the company, the founders, or the product that drives the investment, VCs invest almost solely based on the ROI...

Boom Goes the Startup

Is your startup sitting on a legal landmine? Entrepreneurs have their hands full trying to get their companies off the ground. With endless demands and “to dos” and limited time, legal matters often get...

Layout C (3 columns)

Boom Goes the Startup

Is your startup sitting on a legal landmine? Entrepreneurs have their hands full trying to get their companies off the ground. With endless demands and “to dos” and limited time, legal matters often get...

Layout C (4 columns)

Boom Goes the Startup

Is your startup sitting on a legal landmine? Entrepreneurs have their hands full trying to get their companies off the ground. With endless demands and “to dos” and limited time, legal matters often get...

Use the Covid-19 Pandemic Wisely

With the economy teetering on heading into a severe recession, conventional wisdom would be that its time to pull back, to hang onto scarce resources. I disagree in one very important way. Now is the perfect time to...

Your NDAs May be Failing You

Almost every entrepreneur will wrestle early-on with a non-disclosure agreement. Sometimes, it is the entrepreneur herself or himself wielding the NDA; sometimes, it will be a potential business partner or supplier. New...

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